
February 2010 I was tested positive for Transglutaminase IgA and Anti-gliadin IgA which, in short, means I am gluten intolerant and that if I don't avoid gluten I am predisposing myself to several autoimmune diseases.

Prior to this time I had been on a journey of learning to eat healthy and had been through a 2 year process of testing for food sensitivies/allergies.  Eliminating food out of my diet has been nothing new, and at one point I had eliminated 16 foods along with sugar, caffeine, preservatives and additives for a full month to challenge foods that showed up on a blood test as possible allergens.  

When I began the process of eliminating and testing gluten in June 2009 I was hoping and praying that I would be able to eat it again.  I actually mourned and craved gluten for the 6 months I was off it.  I was so happy when the doctor gave me the “go ahead” to eat gluten for a 3 week period for a particular test.  This joy lasted not quite a day as I began to get strong symptoms that I hadn't experienced the other times I eliminated gluten for shorter periods.  This turned out to be a very long 3 weeks that almost felt like a grueling sentence to eat gluten.  The mourning that lasted 6 months was suddenly gone and I couldn’t wait to rid gluten from my system.

I have gone from refusing to explore the world of eating gluten free to embracing it.  I am a simple gal who sort of enjoys cooking, and only if it’s simple yet tasty.  So many of the GF recipes I saw required GF flour mixes that were confusing, costly and/or felt time consuming.  A friend shared a GF cake recipe that was simple and easy for me to modify here and there until I had the most amazing GF cake that didn’t taste GF.  My mind started to open up and I began to realize that I could find yummy and simple alternatives and so began my journey.

This web site is a collection of recipes that I make for my family of 6.  Not all recipes are bread replacements, as I am not looking to replace bread type food at each meal.  I have changed the way we eat in that I occasionally add in GF breads or cakes which helps keep my costs down.  Gluten free food products are costly and really not all that healthy so I limit them to a large degree.  I really only have about 2 or 3 prepared gluten free products that I enjoy, the rest I do without and don't really miss.


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